Learn how your peers are using Doctify

Trusted 24/7 Online Booking

You can have your profile show live availability with a fully secure booking system, you have the ability to turn booking on or off. Patient data is completely secure and private, and unlimited bookings, and no new patient fees.

Learn how you can use Doctify to get started

Automated Reminders

We understand no-shows are irritating. Patients receive automated text reminders about their appointments, and as well as reminders to leave you a review, removing the stress off of your secretary.

1-on-1 Support

Online Exposure

We want to share your knowledge with our highly engaged patient community. Guest author on our blog, participate or star in webinars, and have the option to be contacted for PR opportunities. 

Our account management and client success team work endlessly to make sure you're satisfied with your journey with Doctify. You'll always have personalised support with your account manager.

How else do we support your practice?

The patient journey is now digital.

86% of patients research their dentist online*

How else do we support your practice?

We sat down with a few specialists that use Doctify to see how they use our platform to grow their practice and their skills.

Request a free demo

Move and develop your reputation online to increase transparency and trust for new patients

Showcase reviews on your high value and complex treatments

NEW - Offer and promote Digital Clinics through our safe Video Conferencing Software

Join the UK's leading healthcare review platform

Organic, page-one listing to help patients find you

Reviews that convince patients to book you 

Share your best reviews on social media and your website

A profile with all your information in one place that compliments your website

Use our Trust Badge and integrated Review Boxes to showcase your ratings and reviews in real-time on your website

The patient journey now starts online. We're here to help you stand out with

*Dentavox 2019

Over 700 Dentists and Clinics trust us with their 

Digital Patient Journey and Online Reputation.

Proud to be promoting trust & transparency in healthcare with

Read our latest insights to grow your practice.

We're here to support you

Find out more

Why online reviews and Google go hand in hand


When is the best time to collect patient feedback?


How to increase your patient reviews


We're here to support you

Learn about Doctify 


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